Naples Shiny Black
Naples Shiny Black

Naples Shiny Black

4.300 kr Upprunalegt verð 14.200 kr Útsöluverð
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Selt af Brandosa.com og sent af Footway+

Greinarnúmer: 61068-35
Deild: Karlar og Konur

Introducing the Nividas Naples Shiny Black sunglasses, a pair that's as bold and charismatic as the city it's named after. Just like the vibrant streets of Naples, these sunglasses promise to add a dash of Italian flair to your everyday look, ensuring you stand out in any crowd.

Naples isn't just about the eye-catching sights; it's about feeling the life pulsate through its ancient veins, and with these shades, you'll capture a bit of that spirit.

Crafted for those who dare to make a statement, they don't just shield your eyes with unmatched UV protection; they let you see the world more clearly with their polarizing lenses, cutting glare with the precision of a Neapolitan pizza chef slicing his masterpiece. So, if you're ready to embrace the sassiness of Naples and turn heads with every step, the Nividas Naples Shiny Black is your go-to accessory.

After all, why blend in when you were born to stand out?

Okkar skuldbinding hjá Brandosa er að tryggja skjótan uppfyllingu allra sendinga, með hefðbundnum afhendingartíma á bilinu 2-5 virkir dagar, nema annað sé tekið fram í valinn afhendingarkost.

Sendingarkostnaður, ef við á, getur verið breytilegur en hann verður sýndur á gagnsæjan hátt fyrir lokakaup við afgreiðslu.

Uppgötvaðu þægindi í verslunarupplifun þinni með sveigjanlegum greiðslumöguleikum okkar. Vinsamlegast athugaðu að tiltækar greiðslumátar geta verið mismunandi eftir því í hvaða landi þú kaupir.

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