Kyoto Large Sepia Grey
Kyoto Large Sepia Grey

Kyoto Large Sepia Grey

4.300 kr Upprunalegt verð 14.200 kr Útsöluverð
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Selt af Brandosa.com og sent af Footway+

Greinarnúmer: 61068-02
Deild: Karlar og Konur

Step into the timeless elegance of Kyoto with the Nividas Kyoto Sepia Grey sunglasses.

Inspired by the ancient city that effortlessly blends tradition with modern flair, these sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement; they're a nod to Kyoto's serene beauty and vibrant culture. Imagine wandering through the bamboo forests or strolling down the historic streets of Gion, all while your eyes are shielded from the glaring sun with top-notch UV protection.

And let's not forget, darling, they're polarizing, ensuring that not even the brightest of lights can disturb your zen moment. So, whether you're admiring the cherry blossoms or enjoying a matcha latte in a quaint café, the Nividas Kyoto Sepia Grey sunglasses will keep you looking effortlessly chic and perfectly protected.

It's not just eyewear; it's a passport to embodying the mystique of Kyoto with every glance.

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