Tech Fleece Hoodie Fz Dk
6.800 kr
Upprunalegt verð
13.600 kr
Innifalið VSK
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Greinarnúmer: 09272-96
Deild: Karlar
Litur: Grátt
Lightweight and provides warmth
The Nike Sportswear Tech Fleece Full-Zip Hoodie for men expands the wardrobe with a basic garment that warms with the lightness of the Nike Tech Fleece fabric. With its 2-way zipper, it is a modern vintage on a classic hoodie.
The Nike Tech Fleece fabric provides lightweight warmth.
Expressive design with a body-fitting fit.
Bindings along the cuffs create a stylish expression.
Extended hem at the back provides better coverage.
Hood in three panels provides warmth and protection.
Shared kangaroo pocket for convenient storage.
The color schemes come with block colors for a modern look.
Joined seams strengthen the pockets.
66% cotton
34% polyester
The Nike Sportswear Tech Fleece Full-Zip Hoodie for men expands the wardrobe with a basic garment that warms with the lightness of the Nike Tech Fleece fabric. With its 2-way zipper, it is a modern vintage on a classic hoodie.
The Nike Tech Fleece fabric provides lightweight warmth.
Expressive design with a body-fitting fit.
Bindings along the cuffs create a stylish expression.
Extended hem at the back provides better coverage.
Hood in three panels provides warmth and protection.
Shared kangaroo pocket for convenient storage.
The color schemes come with block colors for a modern look.
Joined seams strengthen the pockets.
66% cotton
34% polyester
Okkar skuldbinding hjá Brandosa er að tryggja skjótan uppfyllingu allra sendinga, með hefðbundnum afhendingartíma á bilinu 2-5 virkir dagar, nema annað sé tekið fram í valinn afhendingarkost.
Sendingarkostnaður, ef við á, getur verið breytilegur en hann verður sýndur á gagnsæjan hátt fyrir lokakaup við afgreiðslu.
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